Monday, February 21, 2011

Will's World

I know, I know--summer is SO 6 months ago but, alas, here we go again. . .

Will endured Abby's swim team practices and meets by finding what we affectionately call a "swim team girlfriend." Her big sisters were on the team too, so she needed a playmate. Enter Will. Will and Lindsey ran all over the playground together almost daily, letting mommy tend to baby Ava while chatting with other moms. It was a sad, long week of practices when Lindsey's family went on vacation!

Will & Lindsey

I have to distinguish her as his "swim team girlfriend" because he's got a "school girlfriend" (a different one every year), a "cul-de-sac girlfriend," and others just about everywhere he goes. And they are preschoolers and grown women alike. What can he say? He's a ladies' man. Guess that's what comes with having two sisters!

Ready to paint!
One day in August, he decided he wanted to wear his 2 year-old lion Halloween costume. Then, almost immediately he wanted to paint, but IN costume. So we put on an old t-shirt and he did just that. Outside in the heat. Did I mention it was August?? Too funny.

He has become a real Lego Maniac. His favorites? Star Wars. Hands down. We have minifigures and ultra-small pieces hiding in every nook and cranny in the house.

That is, of course, when they're not in Ava's mouth. Ahem.

New Star Wars backpack for school
He gets hand-me-down Lego magazines from the teenager next door and we read them nightly as "bedtime stories." Such propaganda! He's constantly telling us which "new"sets he needs. Keep in mind, some of these magazines are as old as he is and the sets are no longer available unless you want to pay a premium for a "collector's item" on eBay! They've got it all figured out. He's now also quite decent at Lego Star Wars for the Wii. One guess where he got that!

Will's good friend Joshua is still a frequent companion. He is everything Will wishes for himself. He ranges in age from 5 to adult and has lived in Australia, Alaska, and Canada in the last 3 months. He has been a firefighter and he has served in the army. He sometimes has a little sister and other times has 25 brothers. He's even got a few kids of his own. Unfortunately, his mom is dead. I hope that's not a reflection on me! We love hearing about Will's adventures when he goes to Joshua's house!

In the fall, Will played on his first soccer team and he really loved it. He went after the ball and met some fun friends too! This spring, he is going to give T-ball a try. Look out!

Will on the Tornados Soccer Team

He turned 4 in October. Of course, he received the requisite Star Wars legos and action figures as gifts, but he also got an ultra-cool bomber jacket from his retired Navy grandfather, Coach. He's been the talk of the town all winter long!

Birthday suit

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Brad's on a business trip this week. The kids were sad for him to go, but they've done great. Will just can't wait for daddy to get back from "Cinciattio."

If I didn't know better, I'd think he could read Cincinnati, OH!