Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Abbyism of the Week:

Greg: Abby, do you concur? That means do you agree?
Abby: I agree, but I can't cur.

I don't even remember what they were talking about, but Abby still thinks it's funny to say she can't cur!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Halloween Fun!

Abbyism of the Week:

Several months ago, we were reading Abby's book A is for Abigail by Lynne Cheney (a book about all the wonderful things women have done in our country). It goes through the alphabet and describes female characters who have contributed something to the nation. "L" is for Julia Lathrop who was the first head of a government bureau focused on children. While we were reading, Abby said she really like that name and that one day she would name her daughter that. I thought it was cute, but thought nothing more of it.

A few weeks ago we were talking in the car . . .

Abby: When I grow up, I am going to have 4 children. The first will be a girl and I will name her Julia Lathrop. Then a boy named Charlie and 2 more girls, Aurora and Isabel.

I couldn't believe she remembered saying that, much less remembered the whole name! She thinks Julia Lathrop is one name because she said her full name would be Julia Lathrop Jayne Buchanan. What a hoot!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Abby Update

Although she's not growing or changing as fast as her brother, Abby deserves her own update. She has adjusted well to the new house and all the friends who live on our cul-de-sac, especially the next-door neighbor Olivia. This has been a blessing for her (and for me!) to find someone so close that she can play with every afternoon. Of course, she's also had the chance to start playing more and more with her brother (and his new birthday toys!). She is seen here flanked by Isabel, the newest doll to join her family of babies.
Abbyism of the Week:

Abby (cleverly reading a sign in the car): Mommy, what does H - E - B spell?
Emily: What do you think?
Abby: Costco?

Do you think she's pulling one over on us?
Will's One!
I can't believe our little guy is already one! He's so big! Well, actually he's quite petite at 19 lbs. 5 oz. and 28.25 inches. But size doesn't matter. He thinks he's big. In fact, he can't figure out why I won't let him go scootering around the cul-de-sac like all the big kids. All in due time.

He's really starting to talk now. He has words for light (aih), hot (aw), dog (gaw), ball (ga), Cocoa (co), outside (gah), and mama (mamamamama). Of course, they all basically sound the same, so you really have to pay attention to context clues. Even then, it's hard. But he knows what he's saying. Now he just has to train us!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Abbyisms of the Weeks:

Abby: I love you mommy. You're my favorite mommy in the whole world.
Emily: I'm your only mommy.
Abby: I know, but even if you weren't, you'd still be my favorite. That's what I love about life. We get mommies that love us and know us, not strangers. You know what else I love about life?
Emily: What?
Abby: I'm glad God gave us Halloween because I love getting lots of candy!

Emily: So what do you think about Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize?
Brad: I don't know. He doesn't exactly seem to be living very green himself.
Abby: Who, Shrek?

This is an old one that Spencer actually told me about last Christmas. I think it may even be older than that, but it's too good not to be captured here.

Abby (to Spencer): What do you think about puh puh?
Spencer (thinking she has just asked him about poo poo and surely he misunderstood): What?
Abby: What do you think about puh puh?
Spencer: I'm sorry, I don't understand you.
Abby: You know, puh puh, what do you think about puh puh?
Spencer: I just don't know.
Abby: Okay. Then what about pink?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Will @ 11 Months

Well, I think I already mentioned that Will's walking. He's also into climbing ladders and stairs, which he started doing WELL before walking. He crawled up the stairs at our new house the week we moved in, at about 7 months. He likes to keep us on our toes!

He's already acting like an engineer at such an early age, trying to figure out how things work. And tinkering. Boy, does this kid tinker. I'm not sure where he gets it! :)

He's also into things that start with "B." He plays with brooms, balls, and a bus. And his favorite mealtime fare includes bananas, black beans, and bread.

He took a tumble this week on our driveway. Although he's quite adept at walking, he hasn't yet mastered the slope. Too bad it's concrete! It was his first bloodshed on my watch. Just a couple scratches on his finger and nose, but it hurt me almost as badly (or more)!

Abbyisms of the Weeks:

I have a long list of these since I haven't done them in sooooo long. I'm sure I've forgotten some . . .

Debbi makes a rhyming scavenger hunt for special occasions for Abby to find her presents. Here are some of the clues and Abby's guesses:

Clue: When you go outside in the Spring, Daddy can push you high on your new . . .
Abby: Tricycle?
Clue: When Coach likes to go very far, he goes in his big red . . .
Abby: Balloon?

And some others:

Abby: (while praying before bedtime) God, thank you for killing all the dinosaurs because I don't like dinosaurs because they could eat me.

Abby: Mom, why did God make mosquitos? I mean do they do ANYTHING good?

Monday, September 17, 2007

I realize I keep apologizing for not updating more regularly. Well, I'm going to stop apologizing and get to it when I can.

We have so much going on. Will is now full-on walking, so look out world! Of course, he used to have a super fast crawl, so it's not too much different now, but it's so darn cute! Can't believe we're closing in on his first birthday. He'll be 11 months next week! And Abby started her LAST year of preschool this fall. Next year, it's the big time!

The Pampered Chef is going well. Still trying to find my groove to have time for it and myself in the midst of my family duties. I have a website but I'm not supposed to link it here, so let me know if you're interested and I'll send it to you separately.

Cousin Phillip (and his parents) came to visit in August. Both the kids thoroughly enjoyed having another little one around.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Recital

Six days after we moved, Abby made her debut on the dance stage at Westlake High School. Although she likes her dance class, she did NOT like her costume (IT'S TOO ITCHY!!!) or Daddy's shirt that she wore as a cover-up. She also did not like having to sit in her car seat in her costume and Daddy's shirt, nor did she like being awakened from her nap in the car to go backstage (as evidenced here). Boy, those LOUD struggles were worth it to see her on stage . . . well, at least I think they were.

She DID enjoy getting to wear make-up and hair gel that became known as our special "pirate's gel" in my effort to convince her to get ready for her dress rehearsal. Of course, she was hard to recognize. My sister, when looking at pictures from the event, almost asked who the cute little white Asian girl was! :)

The routine was so cute and she's such a ham. The audience just ate it up. I'm just glad she woke up enough to be happy on stage. What an ordeal. And, we're signed up for it all again this year . . .
Abbyism of the Week:

Abby got a toy Fiona (from Shrek) in a Happy Meal several weeks ago . . .

Abby: What is it?
Emily: She's an ogre that's a princess.
Abby: No, she's too ugly to be a princess.

What am I teaching my daughter???
It's been 2 months already?!?!?

Can't believe it's been that long since I last wrote. We've been A LITTLE busy moving to a new house this summer. Here are the kids "helping" me pack up the old house.

Packing and unpacking have definitely been a challenge with the little ones. Especially since Will started to crawl at 6 months, right around the time that we started packing. He started going up the entire staircase 2 days before we moved. So now, we have to keep constant watch over him or he makes a bee-line for the stairs EVERY time. Now, he's 9 months old and can also climb ladders and step stools. He's into everything. Just a matter of days before he's walking. Then, LOOK OUT! Little stinker.

Once we moved out, we found a renter for the old house, so we could hang onto it. Now we own 2 houses! Unbelievable! And a little scary at the same time.

Things in the new house are starting to come together. We still have a couple boxes to unpack almost 2 months later, and nothing on the walls yet. But, hey, we're making progress!

In the midst of moving, I decided I wanted to become an Independent Consultant with The Pampered Chef. (I know, my timing is questionable, but many of you have called me crazy in the past. Here's another perfect instance!). I've had 3 shows so far, and it's so much fun! I'd love to do a show with anyone who is interested in earning free high-end cooking products! I'll have a website soon, but in the meantime, you can check out

Guess that's about it for now! Stay tuned . . .

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm an Aunt!

Phillip Maxwell Chambers was born on April 13, 2007. I'm so excited to meet him. Mom (my sister Meredith) and baby just celebrated Mother's Day and one-month birthday together! Hooray.
Family Update

Man, I can't get my act together to get to the blog more than once a month right now! SIGH. A quick update for now, and then I'll return soon (hopefully!). Will has started crawling and pulling up. He took 3 steps this week. I don't think he knows he's too young for that! His most recent trick is to pull up in his crib and stand there and cry until we go in and let him down. Then he gets right back up. He's been doing this at naps, bedtime, and in the middle of the night. Last night, we decided to just let him cry himself to sleep. Took him TWO hours. Makes me feel like a great mom sitting there listening to my baby cry that long. But now we know he CAN get down by himself if he so chooses.

Abby's done with school next week. Just one more year until kindergarten! Can't believe it.

Well after 6.5 years in this house, we're moving. We found a house close to where we currently live with a little more space, plus a playground, pool, and elementary school all within walking distance. We close June 1 and move June 4. Exciting stuff. We're all very excited about it, but I HATE moving. The current house is already being taken over by boxes and everything else is in shambles. We'll get there I'm sure as long as I can avoid an anxiety attack! We plan to rent our current house out if we can manage it. We'll see how much we like being landlords.

Will's Tonka

Easter Kids
Buchanan Family

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Will's Milestones

It's been a busy month for Mr. Will. He's fully sitting up now, trying to stand, eating solid foods, taking big-kid baths and getting very near to crawling. Look out world!

I don't know how entire months get away from me. Well, yes I do, but it still amazes me! It's been a busy month at the Buchanan household. Abby had a week off at Spring Break, so we went to the San Antonio Zoo. That's her 3rd zoo in 9 months. Gotta make up for the first 3 years of her life!

All ready to go!

Pretty fishies

The elephant says hi too!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Abbyism of the Week

Abby is talking about Texas at preschool (in conjunction with Texas Independence Day last week). So, they went to the Capitol grounds to explore. She was telling me about her day one day . . .

Abby: We talked about Texas and went to the Capitol today.
Emily: Did you know the Capitol is where they make laws for Texas?
Abby: Yes, like you can't marry your brother. Or strangers. That would be funny. Or Sandpeople or Darth Vader.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Will went to visit his great-grandparents last week. It's wonderful having four generations all living in the same town! What a blessing!

I think I've already mentioned that Abby wants to be a ballerina when she grows up. She's starting dance classes in February, so we'll see how they go. She got her first "ballerina clothes" for Christmas.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Abbyisms of the Week:

Abby (randomly at lunch): When I grow up, I'm going to have a house of my own where I get to make the rules. In my house there will be shoes on the sofa and jumping on the bed.

Abby (waving to Brad as he leaves for work): Goodbye! If you get lost, call our phone number and we'll help you out!
We had such a busy Christmas season this year. The kids and I joined my mom for our 2nd annual gingerbread house making session at the Austin Children's Museum. Mom and I also did our annual holiday baking (making enough cookies to feed an entire army!).
Our little elf

The elf's big sisterWho can resist such a smile?

Making gingerbread house with mom's friend Judy

The Buchanan family traveled to Washington, D.C. to have Christmas with the entire Berger family at my sister's house. It was a lot of fun. After Christmas we got to go to the Museum of Natural History, the National Zoo, and the White House. A good time was had by big and little kids alike.

Christmas Morning

Off to the Zoo (Yes, Will is wearing a bear suit! The wind chill was in the 30s!)

A trip to the playground for sand castles and a tire swing

Our last night with Meredith and Spencer