Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Kids

Fall has been fun for us. After making the adjustment to having a new family member, we've been busy.

We had a nice crop of leaves this year. Abby loved raking them up and jumping in them. (We never got around to actually picking them up from the lawn!!).

And Will has been growing like a weed. He takes 6 oz. of milk at a time (50% more each feeding than Abby did at this age)! We go in for his 2-month check-up this week. We look forward to seeing how the huge appetite affects his stats!

We had 3 days of Thanksgiving this year, rotating among all our families. Boy were we stuffed!
One of the highlights of the weekend was celebrating the last big family holiday in Emily's grandparents' home. They are moving in January from their home of 40 years into an apartment.
Abbyism of the week:

Emily: Jesus' daddy, Joseph, was a carpenter.
Abby: What is a carpenter?
Emily: Someone who makes things out of wood like a chair or a table. What else can you think of that's made out of wood?
Abby: Uh, like a buffet.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Abbyism of the week:

Debbi: We'll take Coach's car because it's a hybrid and can go faster than Grammy's car.
Abby: Is your car a lo-brid?
Baby Care

Abby's been super helpful when it comes to taking care of Will. She's helped with his first sponge bath, his first walk, and one of his first bottles (Brad got to do the very first). In general, she's a doting bis sis', almost to the point of smothering at times. I know it's out of love, but I keep a close watch because she has also been known to punch him in the head! Don't think it was malicious, just experimental. We cut that experiment short and Will wasn't even phased!

Sponge Bath
Sunday Stroll
First Bottle
Abby Helps

Care Bears in Town

The Care Bears came to the mall at the beginning of November, so we HAD to go meet them (turns it "they" were just one bear!). So, we packed up the kiddos and Will had his first trip to the mall at a week and a half. WAY different than our approach to going out when Abby was that size!