Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Will's World 

Uh. Ahem. This was written May 4 and I never posted . . . oops! :)

Will is in this hilarious phase where just about anything and everything he does is funny. The other day, he was watching the same bug for about 10 minutes with such intensity, you just had to laugh.

He's still really into movies. And, as a Disney aficionado, I pretty much stick to their repertoire. Of course I've learned that most of the movies are not as innocent as I once thought, but what can you do? I've mentioned that he likes watching Mulan. It's because they have swords. After he watches, he pretends to be the bad guy, Shan-Yu. Last week, he was trying to have a sword fight with Brad and he said "You Shan-Yu. I Shan-Me." Pretty clever if I do say so myself. Brad didn't even get it at first!
Life Goes On

Now I can't find the (new) camera. I've looked everywhere. This does not bode well. I guess I'll just have to move forward photo-less. For now.

The end of the school year was fast and furious. Apparently all the moms with older kids knew May would be crazy, but I had no idea what I was in for. Lots of wrap-up meetings, parties, etc. I can't believe my baby is done with kindergarten!

In June, we went to a family wedding in Houston and Abby made her 4th flower girl appearance. She's definitely run the circuit. She was a doll and we had fun with Brad's family. We stayed in Houston for a week with my sister's family and toured the Port of Houston and the Houston Children's Museum, plus their neighborhood pool (a lot!). Then we went to Galveston for a fun beach weekend with the Voosens. Lucky for us, my sister had a coworker with a beach house there since the condos we had reserved burned down two weeks before our trip! We rounded out our month with my family's reunion in Corpus Christi. What a busy couple weeks!

We've been pretty low-key in July, just hanging around Austin in 105-degree weather. It's even too hot to go the pool some days! What's that about?

And now, it's almost August and we're thinking about back-to-school! Yikes!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Back to Business

Someone asked me the other day if I had abandoned my blog. A sad commentary on my 2-month absence. May was really busy with the end of school and we've been out of town for a good bit of June. But, now we're back on track, so I'll try to update what I can remember. I usually use my photos as reminders about little anecdotes, but I dropped the camera and the repair place told me it was "beyond economical repair." Oops. We got a new camera, but I still have to figure out how to get the old pics since the new camera has a different kind of memory (of course)! Stay tuned.