Monday, June 28, 2010

Plan B

We planned to go pick strawberries in April with my parents since we had so much fun two years ago. We had the weekend picked and everything. And then it rained all week leading up to our outing. And more rain was predicted. Instead of driving for an hour to play in the mud, we decided to find something closer to home.

All we could find was the Armed Forces celebration at Camp Mabry, but hey, they had horses, tanks, and helicopters. Something for everyone, right? And when the rain inevitably began to fall, we skipped out on the rest of the show and went to see How to Train Your Dragon. Not a bad plan B.

1 comment:

Brenda Price said...

I love reading your information. Will looks like Brad. You know I graduated from N.C. Wesleyan in Rocky Mt. N.C.

Please tell Jim to skip dis ease he is permantly healed forever. He is going with the flow and he won't be sick and live to be 100
I have done the best I know how
I am going to enjoy life have fun and too much is over foro me.Love, Aunt Brenda