Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Generation of Fanatics

Brad has now ensured that the kids have seen 4 of the Star Wars episodes (the original 3 plus The Phantom Menace). Will stands in front of the screen with anything that could pass for a gun (vacuum attachment, Legos, fingers, etc.) and shoots the screen. Not that he really needed much encouragement to get to this point. And playtime now revolves around Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul, Princess Leia, and Queen Amidalah. Abby even made Will a 2-ended paper light saber. How thoughtful!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Ah Brad - I'm glad you're doing everybody proud and bringing some good culture to the family.

I salute your efforts! What's next? I recall that you're not a Star Trek fan, but maybe The Matrix? Lord of the Rings? Spaceballs? Yes - Spaceballs would be a good one to hook them on. Or any Mel Brooks film.