Yesterday, we took the training wheels off Abby's bike and she rode away into the sunset. Okay, not quite. It was first thing in the morning (because that's the only time it's bearable to be outside!). I just liked the imagery. She has flirted with the idea a couple times this summer, taking them off, but always ready to put them back on. This time, she was ready to fly. Brad hadn't gone to work yet, so the whole family got to partake in the momentous occasion. Once we got her confident enough to start on her own, she just kept going for about half an hour!
She said, "Now that I'm such a big girl, don't you think I need a new bike with a kick stand?" Okay, okay, one thing at a time. I told her she could just set her bike down or prop it against something for now.
She's officially ready for 1st grade. Now, if she can just get one of her teeth to fall out . . . I keep telling her that I was in 2nd grade (7 years) before I lost mine, so it might just take awhile. Somehow, my words aren't comforting for her.
you can buy kick stands from Academy. Much cheaper than a new bike. ;)
Well, Abby has officially done something before Peyton. We just took off her training wheels, but have not had the riding into the sunset part yet. Only, "Mom, don't let go" and looking back at me the whole time, thus making her bike swerve. Oh, and Cooper is chasing us into the street the whole time. Fun stuff!
I'm impressed that you remember when your teeth fell out - that it was second grade. I don't; I just remember it not being any fun. Something about tying a string around one of them at some point...
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