No More Politics As Usual
February brought excitement about the upcoming primary election like I've never felt before. I even dragged the kids to an Obama poster making party and a street rally before the "big debate." Little did I know the party would be the beginning of our rise to fame! The picture below was posted on

Okay, okay. You can't even really see us until you look really hard at the two beautiful blondes in the corner by the couch, but we're there. Then, a few days later I got a call from Abby's preschool teacher who asked if I was an Obama supporter. I thought it was a little weird, but I told her that I was and she said she thought she had just seen me and Will on the NBC Nightly News! It was a teaser for an upcoming story.
Well, I was walking out the door, but I set up the DVR to get the story. When I watched it later, I found that all 4 of us were in the story for a full 1/2 second, so you might have sneezed and missed it. It was footage from the sign making party again! See if you can find us! It's like Where's Waldo?! (HINT: Will is in the box over Brian Williams' shoulder and the rest of us are later into the clip).
I didn't know how on earth she was able to recognize me until later that night when my sister called to see if we had seen it too. She said we were in the teaser for much longer than in the story--maybe a full 4 seconds! Hmm, that makes 4 1/2 seconds plus how many hits do you think we got on the website? If I'm adding correctly, I've still got a long way to go toward my 15 minutes of fame!
Fame or no fame, we had fun. Or at least I did. :) The rally ended up being MUCH smaller than I had expected. Just a few people on the sidewalk waiting for others to march from somewhere else. But we got some pics anyway!

Kids for Obama!


1 comment:
Hey - you do blog! I have just gotten into this myself. It is kind of addictive. It is such a great way to stay in touch with everyone.
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