Today, my little guy turns five! Where has the time gone??? He's had a busy 5th year. We haven't seen too much of Joshua around because Will has been so busy! Last fall, he played soccer. Then, in the spring, he gave t-ball a shot. He really enjoyed it and dad loved getting to help him field the ball!
Of course, by the fall, he wanted to try yet another sport. After seeing The Karate Kid, you can guess what it was! But, before we could even register him, he turned to basketball. By the time I figured out that the basketball season doesn't start until January, we'd missed the soccer and t-ball deadlines for the fall! So, we're not playing anything this season. I can't say that I miss the time commitment of practices and games!
Ever the athlete, he was not deterred. He's been taking weekly swim lessons. He started the summer with a float ring permanently affixed to his waist. Now, he can backstroke 20 yards across the pool! We are so proud of him. He'll definitely be ready for the swim team next summer!
He's also become quite the biker. He and Abby both got new bikes in March (since Abby was riding her bike from when she turned 4--just a FEW inches ago!). By May, Will's training wheels were off. Of course, he couldn't really start and stop by himself, which made him nervous, so they ended up going back on until August, when they came off for good. He was proud of being the only 4 year-old he knew without training wheels. Now, he's practicing one-handed riding and popping wheelies! Our next-door neighbor invited him to go to a kids' bike race in a couple weeks. Will and Brad are looking forward to that!
This fall, he started his LAST year of preschool and welcomed Ava to his school. It's already been a busy fall, learning about tarantulas and dinosaurs, making apple pie, and working more on his handwriting. He is so big. He'll definitely be ready for Pond Springs next year! Happy birthday buddy!