Will's World
Time to catch up on our little man. He turned 3 in October. I guess that makes him a big man now. He's fully equipped with Star Wars figures, a transformer, baseball gear and his own light saber. Look out world! He also walks around in these cute hand-me-down cowboy boots. He gets so many comments on them and he absolutely LOVES them! I don't think I ever would have even gotten him any.
He's full of antics and craziness. No idea where he gets it. :) One day, he took one of my elastic headbands and wore it around his eyes telling me it was his bonehead. I had no idea what that meant, but he kept saying it over and over so I took him at his word. He took it in to preschool to show his teacher. He is known around Bethany School for always walking the halls in the morning with a new show-and-tell item from home. It's been everything--a water gun, a glove, an umbrella, a tent pole, a stick, and now . . . a bonehead. He kept talking about his bonehead all day and I had not a clue. A few days later, Abby was searching through the toy basket and she said, "Aha, here's my bonehead!" What?? Her too? Apparently, that's what they call one of their toy dinosaurs that has a bony plate on its head. I'm not sure HOW on earth that one had slipped by me. Suddenly, everything became so clear!
Will has an interesting kind of imaginary play. Whereas, Abby had dolls who became real actors in her shenanigans, Will uses pretend real people! For instance, he blames Luke Baldwin for many things in our home. Luke is a preschool friend. There are 2 Lukes in his class, hence the use of his whole name. Several times, Luke Baldwin and Cousin Phillip have "messed with his things" or "woken him up in the middle of the night." One time, Luke Baldwin even tinkled in his pull-up!
One day, we went to the preschool playground after school, Will was chasing around an older boy (probably around 5). He kept calling him Todd and yelling for him to chase Will. He came over to me and told me that the boy was his friend Todd. Then, he'd go back over to play with him. When I heard his mom call him James, it all made sense. No wonder he wasn't responding to this overzealous 3 year-old. Turns out he didn't really know him at all! The next day, there was a new Todd at the playground. Would the real Todd please stand up?
What a funny guy! Before I sign off, and because they are so funny, here are some recent Willisms. Oh how I wish I could remember them all:
He runs around the house and has some fantastic collisions with walls, furniture, etc. Unlike Abby, though, he doesn't seem phased by it at all. He usually gets up and shakes it off, saying "good thing I was wearing my helmet [or shin guards]," despite his lack of either piece of equipment.
Emily: Will, what would you like to eat for lunch?
Will: A tornado.
Emily: Well, it's kinda hard to eat those. They might blow you over. How about some peanut butter, or a banana, or yogurt?
Will: Nope. I want a tornado.
Will: Does God love storm troopers?
Emily: Yes, God loves everyone. Even bad guys. He might not like what they do, but He loves them.
Will: No, I think he only loves yogurt.
Will: Do transformers wear clothes?
Emily: I guess they don't. They're robots and they don't need clothes because they are made of metal.
He now uses the above obscure interaction to justify constantly taking off all his clothes as he streaks throughout the house. He says, "Autobots don't wear clothes." Sneaky little booger. We've had to set certain limits, like no answering the door and no going outside completely naked, but otherwise, we let him get away with it. For now. Besides, it helps with potty training.
Re: aforementioned naked jaunts, he was running around one day and peed on the floor. Abby came running in to tell us:
Abby: Mom, Will tinkled on the carpet!
Emily: Will, did you tinkle on the floor?
Will: No, it was the penis.
Another time, he was actually wearing a pull-up:
Emily: It looks like your pull-up is wet. Did you tinkle in it?
Will: No I didn't. It must have been somebody else. Maybe Luke Baldwin did it. Or Phillip.
At church, they sing "I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart." He always sings the other songs, but sits mute during this particular one. When someone asked him why he doesn't sing along with this one, he told her point blank, "Joy makes me sick."
And last, but not least, he has talked a lot about the new baby. He has told the childcare workers at church that his mommy is having a brother AND a sister. In October. Yikes! I can't imagine. I'm not sure what exactly he thinks about the baby, but he KNOWS it's a brother. Every time someone mentions it being a girl or him having a little sister, he says "No, it's a brother." I even asked him about it a couple weeks ago:
Emily: Are you excited about having a new baby sister?
Will: No, it's a brother.
Emily: But, what if it were a sister?
Will: I already have a sister. I need 2 brothers.
And so it goes.