Disney World -- At last!
I've been working up to this blog for a while, trying to summarize the first half of the year and my current musings simultaneously over the last several weeks. It's been a little discombobulated, but alas, so is life. :)
We went to Disney World in April with my parents. I definitely recommend the 2:1 adult to child ratio for anyone planning a trip there! We were there for 4 fun-filled days, including a lunch date with all the princesses! Abby loved it, but somehow Will was determined not to look at them. We have several pics of him looking intently at the floor while posing with princesses, plus video of all the background antics we tried to do to get him to look up! I guess it's good he's not ogling the women just yet. It'll come soon enough! Instead, he loved the water fountains spread across the park where kids could run and play. There were a few times he ended up soaked to the bone, but he didn't seem to mind.
The one major inconvenience while we were there was getting stuck on The Pirates of the Caribbean ride. We were stuck inside the boat for over an hour because one of the water pumps broke. But really, it was dark and quiet, and we were sitting down (and Will slept through the whole ordeal!!), so it wasn't that bad. And he might not have gotten a good nap that day otherwise. Of course, the same song of the pirates got a little old after an hour, but oh well.
Abby was a champ. She was so patient and easygoing. A lot better than a couple of the adults in boats on either side of us who started yelling at the ride operators, who were trying to get us out safely, for inconveniencing them. And one woman had an all out fighting match with her 10 year-old daughter about whether to leave before the crew members had given the okay. The girl was being the mature one to stay put and follow directions while the mom went ballistic. Boy, are they going to have issues in a few years.
Once we finally got out, we were directed through the bowels of backstage Disney back to the park. You'd never believe all the stuff behind the scenes. And how do they hide it so well??? Anyway, we made it back to the park and enjoyed the rest of our trip with our sanity intact, which is more than can be said for some of the trapped guests!
All in all, the trip was great and the kids were great. We were all pretty tired when we got back, but we've recovered. Abby's already asking if we can go back for her birthday (in July!!). I said MAYBE we'll go back when Will is her age. It's not an every year kind of trip if you know what I mean!