Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Will @ 11 Months

Well, I think I already mentioned that Will's walking. He's also into climbing ladders and stairs, which he started doing WELL before walking. He crawled up the stairs at our new house the week we moved in, at about 7 months. He likes to keep us on our toes!

He's already acting like an engineer at such an early age, trying to figure out how things work. And tinkering. Boy, does this kid tinker. I'm not sure where he gets it! :)

He's also into things that start with "B." He plays with brooms, balls, and a bus. And his favorite mealtime fare includes bananas, black beans, and bread.

He took a tumble this week on our driveway. Although he's quite adept at walking, he hasn't yet mastered the slope. Too bad it's concrete! It was his first bloodshed on my watch. Just a couple scratches on his finger and nose, but it hurt me almost as badly (or more)!

Abbyisms of the Weeks:

I have a long list of these since I haven't done them in sooooo long. I'm sure I've forgotten some . . .

Debbi makes a rhyming scavenger hunt for special occasions for Abby to find her presents. Here are some of the clues and Abby's guesses:

Clue: When you go outside in the Spring, Daddy can push you high on your new . . .
Abby: Tricycle?
Clue: When Coach likes to go very far, he goes in his big red . . .
Abby: Balloon?

And some others:

Abby: (while praying before bedtime) God, thank you for killing all the dinosaurs because I don't like dinosaurs because they could eat me.

Abby: Mom, why did God make mosquitos? I mean do they do ANYTHING good?

Monday, September 17, 2007

I realize I keep apologizing for not updating more regularly. Well, I'm going to stop apologizing and get to it when I can.

We have so much going on. Will is now full-on walking, so look out world! Of course, he used to have a super fast crawl, so it's not too much different now, but it's so darn cute! Can't believe we're closing in on his first birthday. He'll be 11 months next week! And Abby started her LAST year of preschool this fall. Next year, it's the big time!

The Pampered Chef is going well. Still trying to find my groove to have time for it and myself in the midst of my family duties. I have a website but I'm not supposed to link it here, so let me know if you're interested and I'll send it to you separately.

Cousin Phillip (and his parents) came to visit in August. Both the kids thoroughly enjoyed having another little one around.