Six days after we moved, Abby made her debut on the dance stage at Westlake High School. Although she likes her dance class, she did NOT like her costume (IT'S TOO ITCHY!!!) or Daddy's shirt that she wore as a cover-up. She also did not like having to sit in her car seat in her costume and Daddy's shirt, nor did she like being awakened from her nap in the car to go backstage (as evidenced here). Boy, those LOUD struggles were worth it to see her on stage . . . well, at least I think they were.
She DID enjoy getting to wear make-up and hair gel that became known as our special "pirate's gel" in my effort to convince her to get ready for her dress rehearsal. Of course, she was hard to recognize. My sister, when looking at pictures from the event, almost asked who the cute little white Asian girl was! :)
The routine was so cute and she's such a ham. The audience just ate it up. I'm just glad she woke up enough to be happy on stage. What an ordeal. And, we're signed up for it all again this year . . .