Friday, July 28, 2006

Abby has had Vacation Bible School and swim lessons this week. A busy little girl. The other day, we were driving to swim lessons listening to the Beauty & the Beast soundtrack and Brad said something about Lumiere the candelabra. Abby started laughing and said, "No, Daddy, he's not a boo boo aba, he's a candlestick! Silly Daddy!" We all got a chuckle out of that one.

I have less than 3 months to go until the arrival of our little "manchild" (doctor's term, I promise!). These pics were taken at about 20 weeks (4.5 months). One shows the profile, one the face looking at you, and one, the manchild himself. Abby is excited and spends the whole day telling me what she will and will not share with Baby Will. She also tells me she will change his diapers and give him a bath. If only I could hold her to it!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Abby has quite an active imagination. She has a doll, Aurora (named after Sleeping Beauty), and one (Aurora's) Sister. Their best friend is BB, an imaginary boy who likes eating very strange things. Sister is the one most often found by Abby's side, but at any given moment unexpected or unacceptable behaviors could be attributed to these 3.

Several weeks ago, we were sitting at the breakfast table and I asked Abby to do (or not to do!) something--I can't remember what. Her response to me was "Well, Sister doesn't have to do that." I retorted that Sister was a doll and she was a girl (I had been getting the "Sister doesn't have to" response a lot recently). She smugly respondesd that Sister was a girl too. Ha! I can laugh about it . . . now.

Here's our pretty princess on her 3rd birthday. She is definitely quite a character. One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to capture some moments of her childhood for us all to remember.

Yesterday, I noticed that she had a little bruise on her face. I didn't remember her hurting herself there so I asked where she got it. She told me quite plainly that she and Sister (the much-loved doll and accomplice in her many escapades) were trying to stop a firetruck and it ran into her and gave her the bruise. I was quite taken aback by this response. I asked Brad if he knew where the bruise came from. He said he had gotten the same story about the firetruck! What an imagination!
Welcome to our blog! A friend of mine said she uses a blog to keep up with all the fun things her son says and does. Plus, I just know I should be recording these things somewhere! So, with Abby just turning 3 and Will due in another 3 months, I thought it was about time! Here goes . . .